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This article collects general information and some FAQs regarding GRASP v2.

What is new?

  • Assessment result: compliant or non-compliant
  • Producers/Producer groups receive a letter of conformance (100% compliance with IFA v6 workers' well-being requirements + GRASP assessment outcome = compliant)
  • In case GRASPv2 will be issued via the GLOBALG.A.P. Database the LoC needs to be created by the CB. Template available in the CB-extranet
  • Assessment status visible in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems. Further information shared according to data access rights
  • 64 Principles and criteria that are classified as Major Musts or Minor Musts
  • IFA v6 must be combined with GRASP v2, IFA v5.4-1GFS can be combined with GRASP v2 or GRASP v1.3-1-i, IFA v5.2 must be combined with GRASP v1.3-1-i

GRASP v2 conformance means:

100% of MAJOR Must principles and criteria
>70% of MINOR Must principles and criteria (initial CB assessment)
>75% of MINOR Must principles and criteria (subsequent CB assessments)

GRASP v2 in Database:

Note: Please, use the same platform for IFA and GRASP (either Database or SMART process for both).

It is important to keep in mind that GRASP v2 is technically implemented in the Database as a separate standard group and is not connected to GRASP v1.3-1-i.

To accept the next cycle of GRASP under version 2, you need to add a product under GRASP v2 as shown below.

The products are added one by one the same way as for all the other standards.

Note: If you need to change version from GRASP v1.3-1-i to GRASPv2, this can not be done using the conventional Scheme Version Change procedure. You will need to contact customer support for de-acceptance of the GRASP v1.3-1-i and then proceed to add GRASP v2.

Note: Using the upload sheet, please remember that you need to use the product key in the column B that refers to the product that would be accepted and assessed under GRASP v2 along with the correct Scheme ID of the GRASP v2.

E.g., if you need to assess Apples, you need to enter product key 2.

If you use the product key of GRASP for GRASP v2, you will receive an error message that the scheme ID is not valid.

GRASP v2 attributes:

Product Handling

Please, read the article GRASP v2 Attribute - product handling.

Is this a Family farm?

A family farm is not considered as an operation with workers, it is a family-run operation where only core family members are working.

According to the GRASP Glossary, core family members are persons who are related in a direct line to the producer (this does not apply to employed managers) and live in the same household as the producer. May include parents, spouses, siblings, and children, but does not include aunts/uncles, cousins, or other relatives.

GRASP assessment result

Should be compliant or non-compliant according to the count of Major Musts and Minor Musts fulfilled.

The CB cannot answer for the result before the audit and the review.

Employee Interview?

Please, select Yes or No.

Assessment conducted remotely?

Please, select Yes of N/A.


How to handle the GRASP status as IFA attribute?

No - select if there is no product handling. Applicable for IFA v5.4-1 GFS.

Yes - select if the product handling is included. Applicable for IFA v5.4-1 GFS.

Not applicable for v6 - This is the default value for IFA v6, because for v6 the product handling attribute is IFA-dependent. So if you make a change using the upload sheet, the required value will be set and you won't need to change it manually.

How to handle GRASP v.2 alignment to IFA?

Please, read our Wiki article Alignment of GRASP v2 and IFA.

How to handle the "Grasp employees in Count"?

Please, state the same total count of workers of the company (GGN) for each product.  This applies for all certification options. So, for a producer with 3 different products and 10 workers - "10" will be entered in the database, for each of these 3 products.

E.g. for Option 1 producer:

For a PG, please, indicate the total count of the PG members.

Can CBs use their own report for upload to the GLOBALG.A.P. Database?

Is advised to use the GLOBALG.A.P. Excel report. But if a CB has own IT and the IT is actually a complete audit report, including corrective actions including the decision, et cetera, they can use this report as well to upload to the database.

Can CBs use the GLOBALG.A.P. Database for IFA v5.4-1GFS + upload report instead of using AOH Legacy process?

If combined with GRASP or other Add-ons, please, use the GLOBALG.A.P. Database because this combination of GFS and GRASP version 2 is not available neither on the smart platforms nor on the legacy platform.

Can GRASP be assessed by more than one CBs?

E.g., a producer has product Apples certified under IFA and a valid GRASP assessment with CB1. The same producer also has a product Pears certified with CB2 and wants a GRASP assessment with CB2. Is it possible?

The database can accept only one GRASP assessment upload.  In this case, it is advised that CB1 continues with the assessments of GRASP;  they are however responsible to assess compliance with GRASP for the entire production process which will include both products - communicating this between the 2 CBs is advised.

What are IFA v6 workers' well-being requirements that the grower must comply to get a GRASP letter of compliance?

These requirements are listed in the checklist uploaded on CB-Extranet