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What is GLOBALG.A.P. Bookmarking?

GLOBALG.A.P. Bookmarking is the easy way to record and monitor the certification status of your producers.

With this exclusive access into the Database you can easily manage your GLOBALG.A.P. certified producers and also share this list to other companies, for instance wholesalers, which require GLOBALG.A.P. certification.

Who can use it?

We mainly offer our Bookmarking service for companies which are active in the trade of the product as part of the supply chain, i.e. buy and sell GLOBALG.A.P. certified products (so-called “Market participants”).

Please use our Online Registration to register for the Bookmarking service.

New Terms & Conditions from August 2016

  • There is only one responsible person per company who has to accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement. All other users in the company can have access to the database as in the past, but the responsible person has to make sure that every user knows and follows the Terms & Conditions.
  • All companies who are using Bookmarking and have the role “Market participants” in the database will in the future be published on our website in the same format as companies who have the role “GRASP Observer” in the database. The role “market participants” was given to all companies active in product trading as part of the supply chain and which both buy and sell certified products.

Data Access Rights

In the public search of the GLOBALG.A.P. Database you will always see the name, city and country of the certificate holder (individual producer under Option 1 or producer group under Option 2, but no Option 2 members of a producer group).

This mainly refers to the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Standard Version 4 and 5 as well as benchmarked standards under Version 5. With the access group “Market participant” the companies will also see the quantities of the certified company. Please note that you need special access rights for some Add-Ons.

You can find further information in our Data Access Rules.