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Introduction to the CB Extranet

The CB Extranet is an administration and communication tool for Certification Bodies (CBs) which are approved by GLOBLAG.A.P. or wish to become approved. It offers the possibility to download the GLOBALG.A.P. application forms and documents, track the CB application process for scopes and sub-scopes, and receive updates regarding the standard.

In addition, the CB Extranet enables CBs to access important GLOBALG.A.P. documents and to check the tasks which have to be complied with. Only registered users with the role “CB Administrator” can fully use all features of the CB Extranet (see also User Roles and Rights).

Please note that the CB Extranet is absolutely independent of the GLOBALG.A.P. database. The GLOBALG.A.P. database is the tool to manage all data related to the certification process. The usernames and passwords from the database do not apply to the Extranets.

For any questions or feedback regarding this manual, please contact Anne Kafzyk

overview CB Extranet: