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Download of bookmarked producers and deliveries

Have you selected the List view for checking all your deliveries, you can download the list.

To do so please click on “Download all deliveries” and open the .csv-file. This .csv-file is a text file, which means that the different information is not shown in separate columns. The .csv-file has to be converted into an Excel file with information in separate columns.

1. Open a new, empty Excel file.

2. Go to 'Data > From text, CSV'

3. Select the downloaded file in the window that appears

4. Select '65001: UTF-8' to get every umlaut and accent in a producer's name correctly.

5. Leave the rest of the options and confirm 'Load'.

Your text will now appear in several columns, depending on the number of delimiters in the original list. Should the GGNs be displayed in an incorrect format, this has to be changed, too, by clicking right with the mouse and selecting “Format Cells”:

Now choose the tab “Number” and select “Number” as your preferred “Category”.

Finally, enter 0 for “Decimal places” and press “OK”. You will now see the GGNs in the correct format.

Now you are able to filter the columns as you need and use all information.

If you now save the file as an “Excel workbook” the information will stay in separate columns.

Here you can find explanations for the different columns in your downloaded lists.

