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Own fields of a producer group

In case the producer group you are certifying has own fields, the CBs shall indicate so (select the information “own fields” and enter the quantity of the PG’s own cultivation). 

You will find an overview of the schemes where “own field” applies in the Annex1 below. 

CBs can update the data via:    

  1. Web interface: the new “own field” check box is available for each product of the Produce Groups (PG) under Manage Products > Affiliation. When the CB activate this check box by ticking it, it means that the Producer Group has own fields and the quantities entered will be displayed as own field in the certificate and in Search.   

Where the own fields is applicable for the respective schemes mentioned above: the information text “Own fields” will appear when you hover the mouse over the check box   

Where the own fields is not applicable for the respective scheme: information text “Own fields is not available for this scheme” will appear when you hover the mouse over the check box:   

  1. Product Upload Sheet: the following two attributes are available in the product upload sheet.   

Attribute   Value   
own_fields_box   0 = no own fields   1 = own fields   
own_fields_box_next    0 = no own fields   1 = own fields   
If the PG has own fields, then the quantity shall be entered respectively.   
  • For option 2 PGs where own field is applicable: compulsory to fill. If left empty it would result in an error message “obligatory field has been missed”   
  • For option 1 and 2 producer group members: please do not enter a value and leave it empty. Do not delete the columns.   
  • For all schemes other than those mentioned please do not enter a value and leave it empty for both producers and producer groups. Do not delete the columns.   
  1. SOAP/API: the following two new attributes will be available in the API    
Attribute   Value   
<ownFields></ownFields>   0 = no own fields   1 = own fields   
<ownFieldsNext></ownFieldsNext>      0 = no own fields   1 = own fields   
If the PG has own fields, then the quantity shall be entered respectively   
  • For option 2 PGs where own field is applicable (schemes mentioned above):    
    Attributes and values shall be included in the API request as mentioned above.   
  • For option 1 and 2 producer group members: send the API request without the above-mentioned information attributes <ownFields> and <ownFieldsNext>. 
  • For all schemes other than those mentioned above:  

 Send the API request without the field <ownFields> and <ownFieldsNext> for product/s for both producers and producer groups.    

1-What does the “own field” mean?    
Own fields is when a PG cultivate and grow the certified product.    
2-Own field is counted for certified products or all products including non-certified products?    
Own field is counted for certified products only.    
3- If one PG does not have own field, how is the quantity inputted here?  
The quantity for PG shall be left empty if the PG itself does not cultivate/grow the respective product.    
4-In the Manage Product tab, the quantity for PG is total quantity of all registered production sites or counted their own field quantity only?    
If the PG does have own fields, then the ha of the own fields only shall be entered.   

Annex1: Scheme Overview where “own field” applies   

Scheme version  SchemeID  
8localg.a.p. SPAR South Africa entry level version 3.0  244  
ADG.A.P.  298  
AH-DLL GROW Add-on v3.0  284  
AH-DLL GROW Add-on v3.1  342  
ChileG.A.P. Version 5.2  283  
Coop Italia Pesticides Transparency V1.0  302  
Crops for Processing version 1.1  282  
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule Add-on Version 1.2  267  
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule Add-on Version 1.3  321  
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule Add-on Version 2.0  350  
Freshmark Add-On GMP V1.0  155  
GLOBALG.A.P. Crops for Processing V1.0  199  
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA Version 5.2 and Benchmarked Standard  294  
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA version 5.3 GFS  277  
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA version 5.4-1 GFS  316  
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA version 6 GFS  345  
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA version 6 SMART  344  
GLOBALG.A.P. Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on (for Flowers and Ornamentals) V1.0  288  
GLOBALG.A.P. Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability add-on V1.1  349  
GLOBALG.A.P. NON-GM/Ohne Gentechnik Add-on Module 2: Farm/Producer v1.1  292  
GLOBALG.A.P. PLUS V1.1  312  
GLOBALG.A.P. PLUS v2.0  341  
Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) Version 1.2  289  
localg.a.p Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability Module (for Flowers and Ornamentals) V1.0  290  
localg.a.p. SA entry level version 3.0  251  
localg.a.p. SA foundation level version 3.0  252  
localg.a.p. SA intermediate level version 3.0  253  
localg.a.p. SPAR South Africa foundation level version 3.0  245  
localg.a.p. SPAR South Africa intermediate level version 3.0  246  
localg.a.p.Tucuman -  Sugarcane without fire v1.0  161  
Naturane version 5.2  266  
NURTURE Add-on v 11.2  250  
NURTURE Module Version 11.4  328  
NURTURE Module Version 12.0  340  
Primary Farm Assurance Entry Level version 5.0  287  
Primary Farm Assurance Foundation Level version 5.0  261  
Primary Farm Assurance Intermediate Level version 5.0  262  
SRP Producer Group  293  
Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use (SPRING) Add-on Version 1.1  191  
Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use (SPRING) Add-on version 2.0  351  
TR 4 BioSecurity Add-on for Bananas V1.0  206