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Introduction to GLOBALG.A.P. Audit Online Hub

The portal for Online Checklists and Audits allows the certification bodies to fill out checklists and audit reports online. This facilitates compatibility and can speed up the process.

There are three different environments of the Auditor Online Hub that serve slightly different purposes:

  1. BETA is the version where coming deployments can be tested. This environment makes it possible to check what are the coming deployments and to test if your CB is ready and trained for them.
  2. LIVE environment is the main Auditor Online Hub, where CBs must upload the checklists and where all productive data is stored.
  3. DEMO is a 1:1 replica of the LIVE Audit Online Hub designed for the purpose of testing. The same software version is published on the DEMO and LIVE systems. In this way, the functionality of the LIVE software version can be tested on DEMO without affecting any productive data.

All of them can be accessed using a web browser, or your CB can connect to them using an API. This is a summary of the websites, API sites, and links where to find the API documents.




Access to all AOH environments is granted with the current available Farm Assurance Products and Checklists automatically. Sending an extra request is not necessary.

When contacting us, please indicate which environment you would like to access. We will send out an invitation mail to one user and unlock the Checklists. Checklists are similar to Standards and Add-ons in the Database. So on the LIVE system, we will grant access to the Farm Assurance Products, Scopes and Subscopes your Certification Body is approved for.

Similar to the Database, the starting user has all necessary rights to open up new accounts for his company.

Don’t forget to choose a strong password. Any changes done under your username are your responsibility. Therefore, we kindly ask you to take this seriously.

Please note that the accesses for users have some important differences to the GLOBALG.A.P. Database:

1. The user names from the Database are not automatically used. Instead, the user name is your mail address.

2. There is no direct linkup to the Database. This means your users are not transferred from the Database.

3. Auditors and Scheme Managers will both be able to get a new password without the help of GLOBALG.A.P. This saves a lot of time. Please use the link ‘I forgot my password’ on the login page.

Please remember that access to one of these three systems/environments (LIVE; BETA or DEMO) does not unlock you automatically on any other. This only resets passwords on existing users (invited by GLOBALG.A.P. as Scheme Managers or created by the Scheme Manager). It does not work to create new logins.

You can change the language to Spanish in the corner on the very right bottom of the page.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions to increase the functionality, please submit your feedback with the title ‘Feedback Audit Onilne’ to Customer Support. The title will help us to gather feedback. Thank you for your cooperation!


BETA, DEMOand LIVE AOH are separate platforms with their own logins. 

The Scheme Manager receives the login from CB-Admin for the LIVE platform and can request login data for BETA and DEMO from Customer Support.

The Scheme Manager can create the necessary users on any AOH system.

The service started with FSMA and option 1 only, but after many updates that have been approved uploading requirements remain as follows: 

  • From 15 November 2020, all (i.e., 100% of) checklists for the FSMA PSR add-on (including its IFA checklist part) shall be uploaded.
  • From 01 December 2021, 50% of all checklists for IFA v5.2, IFA v5.3-GFS, IFA v5.4-GFS, HPSS v1.2, or PHA v1.2 shall be uploaded per month.



PHA v1.2

  • From 1 April 2021, all (i.e., 100% of) checklists for the Nurture Module v11.2 shall be uploaded. The Nurture Module checklists consist of the Nurture Module and IFA checklist (see ‘Nurture Module Scheme Rules’ 5.d).
  • From 01 October 2021, 25% of all checklists for CoC shall be uploaded. From 01 December 2021, 50% of all checklists for CoC shall be uploaded per month.
  • From 15 May 2020 (when the GLOBALG.A.P. Remote procedure was first published), all (i.e.,100%) of the inspections conducted according to the GLOBALG.A.P.  Remote procedure for IFA v5.2 and the FSMA PSR add-on shall be uploaded. 
  • From 25 January 2021 (after Nurture Module v11.2 release in the AOH), all the inspections conducted according to the GLOBALG.A.P. Remote procedure for the Nurture Module shall be uploaded. 
  • Those IFA checklists uploaded for the FSMA PSR add-on, the Nurture Module, or because of the use of GLOBALG.A.P. Remote may be counted towards the 50% referenced in item no. 2 of this list. 
  • There will be an evaluation meeting with the CBC to determine further strategy based on the feedback collected.
  • During this period AOH use is not considered in CB key performance indicator scoring, and no sanctions for unintentional operational mistakes will be issued. 
  • The 50% shall be counted per certificate holder – i.e., the CB may choose any combination of standards, Option 1 inspections, and Option 2 audits. 
  • The number of checklists to be uploaded shall always be rounded up to the next whole number . 
  • All deadlines are linked to the date of audit and not to the date of certification decision. 
  • Initial, re-certification, surveillance, and unannounced inspections and audits are included. 

Good to know in advance:

1. Every icon will show what it does when the mouse button is over it.

2. Google Maps may not allow you to select a place on the map correctly. In these cases, please just click somewhere nearby and correct the address manually. This is the case when setting up your certification body as well as for producers.

Once logged in, you will view three possibilities to start: